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Our Pastor

Senior Pastor Roy Love of Praise Chapel located in Webster, Texas.

Known for his down to Earth style and people-first mentality, Pastor has led thousands in their pursuit of living a fulfilling life in Christ. His relevant teachings are easily applicable for your quest to find success in God and life. Over 30 years of pastoring has shaped him into a man who can touch God and reach people. The best way to define Pastor Love is the way God already did…by His name.

Our Pastor is best known as a true Pastor who loves people and is cutting edge spiritually. He has spent his life serving others and loving people back to life. Someone you know, that you can be safe with for the long haul.

Looking to bring back that personal touch to church, Pastor’s aim is to remind people that church is supposed to be something to look forward to and not avoided. In a world where love and individual care has been forgotten from many gatherings it has become the prime focus at this family of believers. Long known for his great love for people, Pastor Roy has done everything possible to make sure that Praise Chapel is a church that fits every person and removes the fears associated with church. Praise Chapel is a multi-cultural church with a Global vision. This service was created with you in mind.

Rejuvenated by a new passion to make church relevant again as record numbers of people leave their faith in CHRIST, Pastor has put everything in to creating this new style of church where connecting you with CHRIST is what’s most important. Please accept this formal greeting from Pastor Roy to come visit us at any of our weekly services!

Praise Chapel

Our Declaration

To Love People Back To Life

I will love all people regardless of creed or past deeds! I will pursue every prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT, regardless of the personal cost or loss of comfort to me. I will give whatever it takes to rescue and restore people who have been broken, bruised and victimized! I will no longer fear darkness but instead I will have faith that the light in me is enough to penetrate the darkness around me!

I will admit that the church is not just a place for the socially accepted, neither is it a country club for Christians who desire to simply dwell with those of their own kind! I believe the church is the hospital for the sick, the refuge for the rejected and the life university that prepares leaders to impact their society! This is my declaration to love people back to life again! This is how I will serve my generation until JESUS comes back again!

Our Beliefs

  We Believe that Jesus is Lord & Savior.

  In His name we have forgiveness of sins.

  We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but by our faith in Jesus Christ, we receive forgiveness of our sins and salvation.

  We believe in Water Baptism and Communion.

  Jesus is the baptizer of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of Fruits and Gifts.

  Jesus is our Healer.

  We believe Jesus is coming again.

Stay in Touch


18516 Highway 3
Webster, TX 77598



8:30am | 10:30am | 6:00pm

Wednesday Worship


Telephone | 281.338.6633

Email |

Mail | P.O. Box 57888

Webster, TX 77598

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